Published: 2022-06-04


Teaching and Learning Dialectical Relationship between Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Reaction Rate Constant

Tao Jin, Fan-Mei Kong, Bao-Yin Yan, Gui-Zhai Zhang, Qing Liu, Qiu-Yue He, Xiao-Yan Zhou
Abstract 396

Page 29-41

Measuring the Level of Validity of Blended Learning in the Mathematical Economics Course of Management Study Program

Rahman Rahim, Agustan Syamsuddin, Wahyuddin, Muhammad Rizal Usman, Jainuddin
Abstract 486

Page 42-55

Model of a School principal’s Performance Evaluation Using MYSQL Software

Zulkifli, Sufyarma Marsidin, Rusdinal
Abstract 424

Page 134-147

Developing UAE Preschoolers’ Emergent Reading Skills through Balanced Literacy Approach

Khawla Abdalla Alshamsi, Robin Erric Ogdol
Abstract 904

Page 162-178

The Impact of Tri Pramana-based Hypothetic Deductive Learning Cycle Model on Character Forming and Creativity Development in Early Childhood

I Wayan Karta, Nyoman Suarta, Ni Wayan Rasmini, I Wayan Widiana, Ni Nyoman Chintya Ari Putri, I Gede Wahyu Suwela Antara
Abstract 208

Page 239-249

The Impact of Tri Pramana-based Hypothetic Deductive Learning Cycle Model on Character Forming and Creativity Development in Early Childhood

I Wayan Karta, Nyoman Suarta, Ni Wayan Rasmini, I Wayan Widiana, Ni Nyoman Chintya Ari Putri, I Gede Wahyu Suwela Antara
Abstract 298

Page 239-249

The effect of teacher self-efficacy, workplace stress, workplace environment, and teacher engagement to improve the teacher's job satisfaction: A study on public and private sector universities of Iraq

Amenah Muayad Abdullah, Nour Raheem Neamah, Ahmed Jalil Kadhim, Ayad Abas Hasan, Aalaa Yaseen Hassan, Shaker Holh Sabit, Nuha Ibrahim Hrejha
Abstract 562

Page 260-274

The effect of academic self-efficacy, positive academic emotions, academic rewards, and metacognitive learning strategies effect on educational institutions' academic performance in Iraq

Hawraa Neima Kamal, Ismaeel Alwan Obaid, Zaid Hilal Abed Alqiraishi, Wissam Mohammed Hassan Algaragolle, Bashar Rasheed Hussein, Teeba Khalid Shehab, Shaker Holh Sabit
Abstract 571

Page 275-288