Author Rights

Exclusion of Reviewers/Suggesting Reviewers

While authors may request to exclude certain reviewers who might have perceived competing interests from refereeing their works, they are asked to provide additional information to support such a request. The Editors will respect these requests provided that they do not interfere with the objective and thorough assessment of the article.

The Editors avoid sending manuscripts to particular reviewers under the following circumstances:

  • The reviewer has previously co-published an article with the author(s),
  • The reviewer has assisted the author(s) in proofreading their manuscripts,
  • The reviewer has experienced problems with the author(s) in the past,
  • The reviewer will benefit financially from the publication of the article,
  • The reviewer works in the same institution (same department within the same university) as the author(s).

Authors are asked to suggest 6 expert reviewers. Where appropriate, authors should suggest 2 to 3 reviewers who are experts in methodology as well as 2 to 3 reviewers who are experts on the subject. Authors should avoid suggesting as reviewers those individuals with whom they have had a collaborative relationship within the past 3 years, whom they have mentored, or by whom they have been mentored. Only active scientists with at least five papers in high impact journals in the previous five years will be considered as reviewers. Please refrain from suggesting reviewers who do not follow this recommendation.

Status Inquiries

Authors are expected to feel free to inquire about the current status of their manuscripts as it progresses through the editorial process. Authors may e-mail with specific questions.

Posting the Article

ESTP is an Open Access journal. Thus, we encourage authors to use or refer to the final, definitive version of their article on their personal or institutional web sites as soon as it becomes available (remembering that articles published by ESTP are usually made available as OnlineFirst articles before the print edition is released). Authors also have the choice of posting the PDF version of their articles as well as a link to the PDF version hosted on ESTP’s web site. Authors may post a copy of their articles on their personal or institutional web site or share it on personal social media pages. Citation or link to the published article need to be included.

Reusing the Published Articles

While publishing rights of the manuscripts belong to ESTP, authors certainly have the right to republish part of their work. For uses or for questions please consult the Editor at