Developing the Spouse Emotional Jealousy Scale

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Seval Kızıldağ
İbrahim Yıldırım


The Spouse Emotional Jealousy Scale (SEJS) has been developed in order to measure spousal jealousy levels of married individuals in the frame of this study. In the process of developing the SEJS, which is the aim of this study, data was gathered from married people living in Ankara. SPSS and LISREL 8.7 were used for data analysis. After exploratory factor analysis of 267 individual analyses, confirmatory factor analysis was carried out with data gathered from 303 individuals. The ensemble of the model’s coefficients are (?2 204= 600,988, p = .00, ?²/sd = 2.95, GFI = .84, AGFI = .80, NFI = .87, CFI = .91, RMSEA = 0.08). SEJS’s reliability was tested on two separate sets of data: Firstly, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the scale was found to be .95 in the analysis carried out on the set of data gathered from 267 individuals; this was also found to be .95 for the set of data gathered from 303 individuals. Secondly, the split half-test reliability was analyzed. The coefficient between the analyses of 267 individuals and 303 individuals was calculated as .93 for the one with 267 individuals and .92 for the one with 303 individuals. SEJS’s validity and reliability show that the scale has the ability to measure spouses’ levels of emotional jealousy validly and reliably.

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