Construction and Management of Computer Professional Education Laboratory in the Context of Big Data

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Chunying Shi
Hui Hui Li
Chuanzhong Mao
Xiufang Shi
Yanjun Zhang
Jin Zhang


The advent of the mobile Internet industry has brought about exponential growth of data. The enterprises’ demand for big data talents has become more urgent. However, enterprises generally reflect that the big datarelated talents cultivated by universities cannot meet the requirements of enterprises. In view of the current insufficient support for big data in college teaching, this paper, aimed at applied talent training, analyses the core work of big data analysis laboratory construction and its specific content. Then, it proposes a big data laboratory construction plan based on industry-university-research integration, which was applied in one university by comparing the learning effects of students in different grades. The results show that the lab plan can effectively improve students’ ability to analyse and apply data, and provide strong support and useful reference for college big data education and scientific research.

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