Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice

ISSN: 2630-5984

Examining the Role of Inclusive STEM Schools in the College and Career Readiness of Students in the United States: A Multi-Group Analysis on the Outcome of Student Achievement

Niyazi Erdogan
Department of Elementary Education, Faculty of Education, Balikesir University, NEF Dinkciler Mah. Soma Cad. Merkez Balikesir 10100 Turkey
Carol Stuessy
Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 US


The most prominent option for finding a solution to the shortage of workers with STEM knowledge has been identified as specialized STEM schools by policymakers in the United States. The current perception of specialized STEM schools can be described as a unique environment that includes advanced curriculum, expert teachers, and opportunities for internships and immersion. This study highlights the college readiness of STEM school graduates in comparison with traditional high school graduates. Using 11th grade students’ high-stake test results in reading, mathematics, and science, this article compares the achievement outcomes of both school types. In answering the research questions related to student success for attendees of either STEM or traditional schools, this research concluded that success with reading, mathematics, and science high-stake tests for students does not differ by school type. However, student demographic variables (gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and special education status) may influence the success of students attending STEM schools. For example, the results revealed a statistical significance between the reading, mathematics, and science scores of male, Hispanic, White, and economically disadvantaged students from STEM and traditional schools.

STEM education, Specialized STEM schools, Achievement outcomes, College readiness.