Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice

ISSN: 2630-5984

Consequences of Self-Leadership: A Study on Primary School Teachers

Harun Sesen
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, European University of Lefke, Gemikonağı, Mersin 10 Turkey
Akif Tabak
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Çigli, İzmir Turkey
Ozgur Arli
Turkish Army


This study explores the consequences of self-leadership on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and innovative behaviors of teachers. For this purpose, a field study was conducted with the data gathered from 440 primary school teachers who work in different cities. To test the research hypotheses, correlation and regression analysis were conducted. Results showed that self-leadership behaviors had significant effects on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and innovation. Findings revealed that self-reward and selfpunishment strategies had no effect on dependent variables while self-observation and focusing thoughts on natural rewards had the strongest impacts. Also, it was found that some of the demographic variables had effects on some of the factors.

Self-leadership, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, Innovation, Self-observation.