Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice

ISSN: 2630-5984

Comparing the High School English Curriculum in Turkey through Multi-Analysis

Veli Batdı
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Muallim Rıfat Education Faculty, 7 Aralık University, Kilis 79000 Turkey


This study aimed to compare the High School English Curriculum (HSEC) in accordance with Stufflebeam’s context, input, process and product (CIPP) model through multi-analysis. The research includes both quantitative and qualitative aspects. A descriptive analysis was operated through Rasch Measurement Model; SPSS program for the quantitative aspect, and a thematic analysis was run as a case study for the qualitative aspect. The study includes the views of 95 out of 135 English teachers working at different types of Anatolian High Schools in Elaz?? during 2014 and 2015 academic years. Twenty-seven teachers were selected for Rasch; 64 for SPSS and 26 for thematic analysis. The scale applied in Aközbek’s study was used as a quantitative data collection tool. An interview form was used to collect qualitative data and analyses were performed through Maxqda-11 program. The reliability of data encoders was ensured. Rasch and SPSS results indicated that the 9th grade HSEC had the highest score, whilst the 12th had the lowest. The fact that there were more positive opinions for the 9th grade HSEC, whilst there were negative ones for the 12th grade; means the results of three analyses are consistent. Multi-analysis is proposed for use in studies in the future.

English Curriculum, CIPP model, Multi-analysis, Curriculum evaluation, Rasch model, Maxqda program.