Determining the Difficulties Children with Special Needs Experience during the Transition to Primary School
Binnur Yıldırım Hacıibrahimoğlu
Department of Special Education, Giresun University, Giresun TurkeyTevhide Kargın
Department of Special Education, Ankara University, Ankara TurkeyAbstract
This study purposes to define the difficulties children with special needs experience during the transition from preschool education to primary school education based on teacher opinion using the mixed-methods design. The population for the quantitative data collection method in the study includes classroom teachers from public primary schools in Ankara. The research group consists of 209 classroom teachers from various primary schools for the quantitative stage. The participants in the qualitative research are 43 first-grade classroom teachers who work in public schools with inclusion practices. In order to collect data for the study, the Determining Difficulties in the Transition to Primary School (DDTPS) measurement tool and focus-group interview methods were used. The measurement tool was developed by the researcher. Results show that in teachers’ opinions, no significant difference is determined according to the variables of teachers’ gender, education level, or special education training. According to the qualitative research findings, six main categories have been prepared: supportive infrastructure, continuity and system, communication and relationships, transition preparedness, the child’s preparedness, and the family’s preparedness.