Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice

Can I Grow Up as an Effective Teacher? A Mixed Method Study

Neslin İhtiyaroğlu
Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education, Kırıkkale University, Yahşihan, Kırıkkale Turkey


The aim of this study is to determine the predictive role of pre-service teachers’ views on professional teaching knowledge courses on their satisfaction levels in relation to faculty of education. In the study, sequential transformative design, which is one of the mixed methods, was used. Faculty of Education Course Evaluation Scale and Faculty of Education Satisfaction Scale were applied to 404 pre-service teachers who were selected with stratified sampling method. Study results indicate that pre-service teachers’ total course evaluation scores vary according to gender, class level and department and, total faculty of educations satisfaction level scores vary according to department. In addition, it was determined that there are weak relations among sub-dimensions of variables as a result of correlation analysis; and the predictive role of pre-service teachers’ views on professional teaching knowledge courses on their satisfaction levels in relation to faculty of education is weak as a result of regression analysis. Results of the interviews indicate that pre-service teachers’ views on professional teaching knowledge courses vary according to groups, but pre-service teachers have similar views in relation to faculty of education. At the end of the study, suggestions were offered for increasing the efficiency of the pre-service teachers.

Professional teaching knowledge courses, Faculty of education satisfaction, Efficiency, Pre-service teachers, Instructors.