Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice

ISSN: 2630-5984

Research on Oral English Flipped Classroom Projectbased Teaching Model Based on Cooperative Learning in China

Xiaoyan Fan
Zhoukou Normal University, Zhoukou 466001, China


Project-based teaching method is a new task-driven and project-oriented teaching mode, it has become an effective means of practical teaching. However, in the process of project-based teaching, there are also some problems, such as difficult to control classroom teaching time and so on. As a new teaching mode under the background of informationization, flipped classroom can fully realize students’ principal position in learning activities. Based on the applied research of English oral flipped classroom teaching, the concept of flipped classroom teaching is integrated into project-based teaching in this paper. By using flipped classroom and cooperative learning, students can reduce the time of teachers’ classroom instruction and increase the time of students’ participation in project practice through independent learning of network courseware before class, it can make up for the shortcoming of classroom teaching time in project-based teaching.

Flipped Classroom, Oral English, Project-Based Teaching, Cooperative Learning.