Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice

ISSN: 2630-5984

The effect of teacher self-efficacy, workplace stress, workplace environment, and teacher engagement to improve the teacher's job satisfaction: A study on public and private sector universities of Iraq

Amenah Muayad Abdullah
Al-Farahidi University/Iraq
Nour Raheem Neamah
Al-Manara College For Medical Sciences/ (Maysan)/Iraq
Ahmed Jalil Kadhim
English Language and Literature Department, Al-Mustaqbal University College, Babylon, Iraq
Ayad Abas Hasan
College of media/ The Islamic university in Najaf, Iraq
Aalaa Yaseen Hassan
English Department/ Al-Nisour University College/Baghdad/Iraq
Shaker Holh Sabit
Scientific Research Center, Al-Ayen University, Thi-Qar, Iraq
Nuha Ibrahim Hrejha
Mazaya University College/ Iraq


This study aims to analyze the impact of teacher self-efficacy, workplace stress, workplace environment, and teacher engagement on public and private universities in Iraq's professional teaching satisfaction. The research employed a self-administered survey questionnaire and collected data from 350 professors at public and private universities using a convenient sampling technique. Quantitative research methodology and cross-sectional research design were utilized. The Partial Least Square (PLS)-Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) regression results reveal that teacher workplace stress, self-efficacy, and engagement have a positive and significant effect on teaching job satisfaction. While teachers' workplace stress has a negative and substantial impact on their job happiness, This study demonstrates that instructors need a conducive work environment to achieve job satisfaction. This can be accomplished by providing them with the study's findings in an efficient manner. This study's findings could also contribute to the existing literature, thereby assisting researchers and academics.

Satisfaction, self-efficacy, workplace stress, universities, Iraq..