Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice

Impact of Work and Project-Based Learning Models on Learning Outcomes and Motivation of Vocational High School Students

Dwi Agus Sudjimat
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Luchyto Chandra Permadi
Universitas Raden Rahmat, Indonesia


In Indonesia, Vocational High School (VHS) prepare graduates to be ready to work. Teachers apply practicum learning methods related to the world of work. This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effect of the WBL-SL and the PjBL models on technical learning outcomes and learning motivation of VHS students with respect to their prior knowledge level. The subjects of this study were the students of class XII of mechanical engineering at State VHS in Malang City. The research was performed using a factorial design, with two independent variables, namely WBL-SL and PjBL models. The dependent variables were the technical learning outcomes measured using written tests and practicum, and the learning motivation measured using a set of questionnaire. Data was analyzed using a two-way ANOVA model. The results and discussion showed that (1) the technical learning outcomes and learning motivation of the group of students who were taught using the WBL-SL model were superior to the group of students who were taught using the PjBL model; (2) the technical learning outcomes and learning motivation of groups of students who have high prior knowledge were found superior to groups of students who had medium and low prior knowledge; and (3) there was an interaction between the WBL-SL, PjBL, and level of prior knowledge on the technical learning outcomes and learning motivation of VHS students, where the WBL-SL and PjBL models were more suitable for teaching groups of students who have high prior knowledge.

Work-based learning ∙ project-based learning ∙ learning outcome ∙ learning motivation ∙ vocational education.