Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice

ISSN: 2630-5984

Computer Multimedia Aided Word Annotation for Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in English Reading

Hongbo Huang
Foreign Language Faculty of University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Liaoning 114044, China


As computer technology advances at a full speed and the national education has been highly internationalized, there is uproar of English education in China. From primary preschool education to advanced education in universities, the computer multimedia English teaching model has been generally recognized. Some staggering problems such as low English vocabulary and poor memory in the learning process are highlighted. For this purpose, the paper, on the grounds of inputs and attention hypotheses, investigates how the incidental vocabulary acquisition of English reading is subject to English and Chinese annotation languages, the individual, multiple annotations and unannotated format. Test objects are established in the permutation and combination modes. Vocabulary, profound knowledge scale and SPSS software are adopted to analyze the test results. After the test, it turns out that multiple Chinese annotation mode have the best effect of incidental vocabulary acquisition in English reading process. It is hoped that the study can effectively inspire the English learners, teachers and the dissertation and journal editors.

Annotation, English, Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition, SPSS.