Study on the Application of Infants’ Brain Neural Mechanism of Native Language Learning in English Teaching
Yujuan Bi
Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University, Jinan 250100, ChinaXiujie Du
Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University, Jinan 250100, ChinaAbstract
Recent studies on neurolinguistics have demonstrated that the process of native language learning of infants involves the perception and interaction of the language learning environment with the brain’s innate neurocognitive mechanism. Compared with a foreign or a second language learning in adulthood, native language learning of infants sees advantages and more active expression of brain nerves in terms of perceiving linguistic features, brain learning plasticity, and brain computational characterization. This paper, based on a detailed analysis of the studies on brain neurocognition related mechanisms in the infants’ native language learning both at home and abroad, compared in depth the specific differences in the foreign language learning in adulthood between the native language learning in infancy, and proposed learning methods and applied teaching environment in line with the foreign language learning cognitive and perceptual rules and the brain neural mechanism of infants’ native language learning, so as to provide scientific and reasonable theoretical support for solutions to the difficulties and challenges in the foreign language teaching, especially English teaching.